lawn disease
Save Your Lawn Before It's Too Late
Seeing unsightly brown spots in your lawn? Get in touch today!
More Than Service, We Care
Eco-friendly Treatments with a Holistic Approach

Lawn Disease Control in the Northern Chicago Suburbs

Not to worry – We have been solving lawn disease issues for homeowners in the northwest suburbs of Chicago since 1986. We guarantee to have solutions for even your toughest lawn diseases. Best of all, you’ll love our Natural Based Holistic approach that is proven to control most of our local lawn diseases, without the need for chemical fungicides.

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Identifying Lawn Diseases

Turf Care Enterprises Lawn Technician inspecting grass

Symptoms of lawn disease typically show up as discolored turf, spots, rings, or dead areas. Over a dozen different diseases can attack and damage our local lawns in the Chicagoland area. Knowing how to correctly identify the lawn disease in your yard is the first step in understanding how to best control it.

Treating Lawn Diseases

Once you have correctly identified which lawn disease is damaging your lawn, you can now focus on the best method for controlling that disease. The standard approach used by most lawn care firms in this area is to simply spray the lawn with chemical fungicides. We rarely agree with this method, as fungicide applications tend to only address the symptoms, not the root cause of why you have the disease in the first place. Also, to stop the symptoms of the disease, most fungicides need to be applied repeatedly, which can get very costly, not to mention it is not good for our environment. We use a Natural Based Holistic approach that focuses on solving the real problem and not just addressing the symptoms.

Get Started With Natural Lawn Care Today!

family laying on grass

Our Natural Based Holistic Approach

All plants can build natural defenses against disease-causing pathogens provided they have the proper building blocks, like correct nutrition, favorable growing conditions, and proper cultural practices. In order for any disease to develop, it needs three things: 1) A disease-causing pathogen, 2) A susceptible host, and 3) A specific environment. Eliminating just one of these three things will stop the lawn disease from developing. Our holistic approach focuses on giving your plants what they need to grow healthy and strong, which in turn will help them fight off disease naturally without chemical treatments. Our holistic process is proven to work, and, more importantly, it will eliminate the need to expose your family, pets, and the environment to unnatural chemical fungicides. Contact one of our Certified Lawn Care Professionals to learn more about how our process can safely control your lawn disease.

Pro Tip

Reduce Your Thatch

Pro Tips Icon

Thatch is a breeding ground for insects and disease-causing fungi.  You can help keep thatch from developing through regular applications of liquid aeration SBR  or Bio Dethatching Programs as well.  Please call us today to see which treatment is the best option for your lawn.

Learn More About Aeration

Common Questions About Lawn Diseases

What are the most common lawn diseases in the Chicago area?

A few of the more common diseases we see in our area are: Dollar Spot, Grey Snow Mold, Leaf Spot, Leaf Spot/Melting Out, Fairy Ring, Fusarium Blight, Pink Patch, Pink Snow Mold, Powdery Mildew, Pythium Blight, Necrotic Ring Spot, Red Thread, Rhizoctonia Brown Patch, Rust, Summer Patch, and Yellow Patch.

Does fertilizer help prevent lawn diseases?

The right fertilizer containing the correct nutrients for your grass type, will provide some of the building blocks your grass needs to develop natural defenses against disease. Applying the wrong fertilizer or applying the right fertilizer at the wrong time will actually encourage lawn disease.

Can watering at night encourage lawn disease?

Yes – Especially foliar lawn diseases like leaf spot, red thread, dollar spot, etc. Water is needed for the disease pathogens to grow, spread and thrive. Watering at night does not allow the surface of the turf to dry out, it usually stays moist until the sun comes up the next day. This prolonged period of excess moisture encourages the growth and spread of the disease-causing fungi.

Get Started Today! Call us at 847-304-4144 or
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Looking for Lawn Disease Control Near You?

Your once-perfect lawn is under siege by invisible threats that can destroy years of careful maintenance in weeks. Our lawn health specialists use advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques to identify, stop, and prevent lawn diseases before they devastate your green space.

Turf Care Enterprises Service Area Map Barrington IL


5 Star Review

I’ve been using Turf Care for many years. I love their organic treatments safe for dogs and children (just wait til dry) They always inform the homeowner any issues or concerns - including stopping by upon homeowner’s request.

Very knowledgeable, friendly, professional, responsive for all lawn care from grass to trees and shrubs.

Highly recommended!

Laurie Tippet
5 Star Review

The technicians who serviced our property were very knowledgeable and made sure to let us know what treatments were being performed each time they came out. Would recommend to anyone looking.

Joshua Khoshbin
5 Star Review

I've just finished my second season with them and they've made a significant improvement in my lawn!

Paul Bruno
Main Office
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